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Professor Dag Tjøstheim from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Bergen, together with two research collaborators, was awarded the Tjalling C. Koopmans Econometric Theory Prize for the period 2000-2003.
The prize is Tjalling C. Koopmans, the 1975 Nobel Laureate in economic science. Koopmans made fundamental and lasting contributions to the development of econometrics. According to the prize’s web site, “the prize is awarded once every three years for the best article reporting original research published in the Journal Econometric Theory over that period. The selection of the winning article is made by the Advisory Board of the Journal and the criteria for selection is based on Tjalling Koopmans’ own research which is universally admired for its rigor, clarity and originality. All articles published in Econometric Theory are candidates for the prize except those that are authored or co-authored by the Editor and members of the Advisory Board.
The prize is accompanied by a financial award of $1,000. It is supported by the publishers, Cambridge University Press, and Mrs. Truus Koopmans.”
Stefan Sperlich, Dag Tjøstheim and Lijian Yang’s article was entitled, “Nonparametric Estimation and Testing of Interaction in Additive Models”. It was published in the journal Econometric Theory, April 2002.
Please see the web site given below for more information.